Ashewa Technology Solutions Unveils Groundbreaking Web Solutions Platform

In a groundbreaking move, Ashewa Technology Solutions has announced the relaunch and growth of, a cutting-edge web solution platform aimed at empowering businesses to enhance their online presence and effectively target their customers. With a focus on democratizing software usage and making dynamic websites accessible to all, is set to revolutionize the digital landscape.

The technology, sales, and marketing departments of Ashewa Technology Solutions recently convened at the head office in Bole to review the go-to-market strategy for The primary objective of this strategy is to reach a wider audience, build brand awareness, and drive customer acquisition through innovative initiatives and personalized customization options.

Web solution from Nehabi launching

With a proven track record of developing over 100 websites on the platform, Ashewa Technology Solutions is well-positioned to capture a significant market share in Ethiopia and across Africa. The demand for websites in these regions is substantial, with an estimated total addressable market size of $400 million annually in Ethiopia and $10 billion annually in Africa.

By aiming to secure a 10% market share in Ethiopia within 2 years and a 5% market share in Africa within 5 years, Ashewa Technology Solutions is poised to make a significant impact in the industry. Leveraging their established partnerships and expertise in software development, the company is confident in achieving these ambitious targets and solidifying as a leading web solutions platform.​

Stay tuned for more updates on the exciting developments at Ashewa Technology Solutions and the innovative offerings of as they continue to reshape the digital landscape and empower businesses to thrive in the online world.​

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